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Alternative & Factory Pool

Platypus constantly expands its features and pools. And while at it, we ensure that risks to our investors are mitigated and controlled.

The platform currently has three pools that group assets according to their risk levels. These pools open users to more choices and freedom with their assets, with the confidence that the system is well-constructed for possible risks.

Adding new tokens always introduces varying risk levels, which may affect other coins. With this, newly added tokens are segregated from time-tested and established stablecoins in the Main Pool so that their health is maintained and protected in cases where one of the added coins falters or pegs out temporarily.

Newly listed coins go to the Alternative Pool, which uses a single-sided liquidity provision and open liquidity, like the Main Pool. Coins in the pool are paired with USDC, the routing asset that enables exchanges across different pools.

The Factory Pool may offer extra farming token emission from each stablecoins but comes with the highest level of risk.

Assets in the Factory Pool are also paired with USDC, but unlike the Alternative Pool, Factory Pool does not have a boosting option, and interests will only be earned from the base pool. In addition, Factory Pool does not have a price oracle. Trades do not stop when any asset gets depegged, making the pool more susceptible to draining out. LPs should be aware of the risks when depositing in this pool.

How to Swap Across Pools?

Swapping assets in different pools are straightforward in Platypus. It is designed to be similar to how users would swap assets within the same pool.

The platform does the routing automatically; details will pop out on the screen once the amount to be swapped is entered.

This example shows H2O from the Factory Pool being swapped for USDC.e, which comes from the Main pool. The routing asset USDC is utilized to fulfill the swap. It is to be expected that the fees for the swap will be higher due to inter-pool extra routing.

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